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"Identity and Historical Trauma" Lecture

Identity is fundamental for everyone's emotional survival.  In recent years work has been done to understand historical trauma as suffered by genocide survivors and their children (as evidenced by Holocaust survivors).  Coming to understand how this has marked generations of Native Americans and how we present the guilt and shame that it generates is important to understanding ourselves.

Lynn Murphy is Vermont Abenaki, wife, mother, grandmother, and middle-school science teacher. She grew up in a multi-generational household, and her grandmother lived with her family for many years. Lynn's grandmother taught her bead work when Lynn was young.  Lynn has spent years rediscovering the crafts of her people.  Featured in her current exhibit are ash split and sweetgrass baskets made by Lynn’s great-grandmother, Mary Watso Sadoques.  Lynn reclaimed this art by learning to be a traditional basket maker apprenticing with master basket maker, Sophie Nollette.

“Persistence of Identity” focuses on cultural identification. “Persistence of Identity” is the journey of Lynn’s deeper understanding of her culture as seen through the lens of her family memories and her own explorations. “Persistence of Identity” defines each and every one of us through our own stories.

August 26

NH Permaculture Day