The Cost for this day is $10 per family
10am-10:30am Opening:
Opening Remarks from our Trustee Chairman - Ray Southworth
Story of the Children’s Fire by Elly
Introducing Games & Crafts by Andy or Emmons
There will be games and crafts
Hike through the Medicine Woods from Nature Discover Center
Tomahawk throwing headed by Gary
Story of the Jingle Dress by Anna
Quest to find artifacts in the Mt. Kearsarge Indian Museum
Lunch 12:30-1;
Bring your own Picnic lunch to enjoy overlooking our Mink Hills.
We will serve Watermelon, Water and Lemondade and while you eat
There will be a story told by Mt. Kearsarge Indian Museum Educator; Elly during Lunch to end this session.
You will have the opportunity to choose Mt. Kearsarge Indian Museum or Nature Discovery Center for a tour.
During the event, there will be a display in the Gallery of children's clothing, toys, etc.