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Tales from the Longhouse with Hearscrow (on Facebook)

Join our friend, Hearscrow, on her facebook page each Tuesday at 3 pm EST, for Native American storytelling.

Nootauau Kaukontuoh, “she hears the crow”, is a woman of the Eastern Woodlands. She lives her life in the tradition of the Nanhigganêuck, the people known today as the Narragansett. She is a Storyteller of Longhouse Tales, told in many different ways including Native Sign Language, call and response as well as other traditional styles. She has twice been awarded publishing contracts for her book of poetry and is currently completing a Native children's novel. She brings to life the oral tradition at schools, community centers, Indigenous gatherings and wherever the stories lead her.

As a 'kuhkootomwehteâen' (one who shares knowledge), thirty-five plus years of telling in these different styles, she brings forth the culture of the Longhouse People, through their stories.

See past videos at the link below.

November 21

Wampum Bracelet Zoom Workshop 11/21/20

November 27

Ladies' Night Shopping