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MKIM Plant Sale and Herb and Garden Day

  • 18 Highlawn Road Warner, NH 03278 USA (map)

Save the date for the museum’s annual Plant Sale. Donations of plants and clean garden accessories can be dropped off at the museum starting Wednesday, May 29th. Tables will be at the front entrance. If digging up plants, please rinse all dirt from the roots and re-pot into clean pots with sterile potting soil to avoid the spread of jumping worms. The museum will be open from 10 am to 4 pm and Herb and Garden Day will be taking place in the Powwow field (event by New Hampshire Herbal Network with separate admission).

For more information on Herb and Garden Day, please visit the web page for the event.

Herb and Garden Day by the NH Herbal Network

May 4

5th Annual Founders' Day

June 10

Meet and Greet - Ash Splint Basket-Making